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OARC Latest News

OARC honors its discipline champions for 2018

For the second consecutive year, OARC represented by Department of Human Resources and Administration held a ceremony in Suhar Radisson Blu, honored its discipline champions who have neither absent nor sick & emergency leaves recorded last year . It should be noted that the number of employees who honored this year has doubled than last year , which is equivalent to more than 40% of the total employee number

الشركة العمانية لدرفلة الألمنيوم
منطقة صحار الصناعية،
مرحلة 6، قطعة رقم: ٦٠٣
صندوق البريد ٥٥٥، فلج القبائل ، الرمز البريدي ٣٢٢
صحار ، سلطنة عمانان
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