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OARC participates in three days Arabal 2017 Conference & Exhibition

07 Nov 2017: OARC participated in Arab International Aluminium Conference (Arabal) which hosted by Sohar Aluminium. The Arabal kicked off on November 07, 2017 under the patronage of His Highness Sayyid Harib bin Thuwaini Al Said, assistant secretary general of the Council of Ministers for Conferences.

The event has been attended by all of the region’s primary aluminium manufactures, in addition to top executives from a cross section of industries, VIPs and over 500 delegates from 30 countries. Arabal 2017 consisted of a two-day conference and exhibition, featuring over 60 international experts under this year’s theme of ‘Driving Strategic Growth across the Global Aluminium Industry’

الشركة العمانية لدرفلة الألمنيوم
منطقة صحار الصناعية،
مرحلة 6، قطعة رقم: ٦٠٣
صندوق البريد ٥٥٥، فلج القبائل ، الرمز البريدي ٣٢٢
صحار ، سلطنة عمانان
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